First Blog - Thoughts

After years of leaving my paltry photo web site alone, I am happy to be creating something better and hopefully more entertaining. Although I have written four Young Adult novels, I have never had a blog. So, this will be a new experience. I am excited about sharing my work with whoever might end up here. Many of my images are floating around in network land on sites like Facebook, Instagram and Reddit. This site will be a central area for access to all of that. Also it will be a great way to show you what I have and to tell you what’s on my mind. One thing before we go any further. Yes I have sold a few photos and gotten a spattering of praise. But, I still very much feel that I am a “Quasi-Professional”. Translated that means “amateur”. Every day I am stunned by the quantity of good work and talented photographers out there. And with my lazy approach to many aspects of the profession, I don’t put myself at the same level as those guys. Still, I do like sharing and having people say they liked this or that image. Off we go into the next adventure………………..

